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Blood Flow Restriction Therapy





If you suffered an injury, had surgery, or suffered a chronic condition, you likely want to return to your regular physical health as quickly as possible. In such instances, physical therapy can provide you with the necessary rehabilitation services, working with you on various potential rehabilitation exercises that can help you improve your health and recover any lost gains.

Many who are injured have found that blood flow restriction therapy (BFR Therapy) can be extremely beneficial when recovering from an injury. Blood flow restriction therapy can provide an injured individual with specific exercises that can improve and strengthen muscles, helping someone recover while reducing the amount of stress and strain on the injury in question. Therefore, blood flow restriction therapy can be a critical component of sports medicine when done right and managed as part of an overall physical therapy approach. 

At Boston Sports Medicine, we offer blood flow restriction therapy. Our patients have found it a critical component of recovery for many of our patients.


What is Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

Blood flow restriction therapy applies pressure to a certain muscle group or extremity as part of a physical therapy regimen. The pressure applied to a patient is not meant to cut off or stop blood circulation but to reduce it. This resistance training prevents blood from leaving the area in question, allowing a patient to achieve enhanced muscle gains while lifting reduced loads. As such, it is a form of restriction exercise in that full muscle movement and blood flow are restricted.

A key component of any form of sports medicine is to make gradual improvements over time. Like other forms of physical therapy, blood flow restriction therapy will begin with relatively lighter levels of resistance or restriction. Then, as time passes and a patient continues to heal and gain muscle strength, the intensity of the exercise will increase. At Boston Sports Medicine, we use external cuffs that are explicitly calibrated to meet your needs, gradually adjusting the pressure to fit your training regimen. 

We use state-of-the-art technology to ensure that this physical therapy fits your overall rehabilitation goals. Any blood flow restriction therapy will begin with a full-scale medical assessment and intake form. Next, a physical therapist will discuss your rehabilitation goals and ensure this resistance exercise is right for you. 

One of the main goals of any blood flow restriction therapy exercise is to improve overall health by promoting muscle hypertrophy. Therefore, there is no question it is worth discussing what this form of healing is and how it can positively impact the health and rehabilitation of a patient. 


What is Muscle Hypertrophy?

Understanding muscle hypertrophy is key to understanding how blood flow restriction therapy works and how it can positively impact a patient’s health. 

Muscle hypertrophy is another term used to refer to muscle growth, specifically the kind of muscle growth that occurs at the cellular level when you exercise. Regular exercise will help you achieve muscle hypertrophy, provided the workout has adequate intensity and duration.

Muscle hypertrophy is good to achieve, but it is important to understand how blood flow restriction therapy relates to muscle hypertrophy. Studies have explicitly found that well-designed blood flow restriction therapy can help a patient achieve muscle hypertrophy. In fact, some studies have found that blood flow restriction therapy is actually more beneficial for achieving muscle hypertrophy than regular exercise alone. 

These benefits occur because the occlusion of blood flow to targeted muscles can help stimulate a patient’s muscles to encourage muscle growth and enhance the impact of physical therapy. In addition, blood flow restriction therapy can also cause certain hormones to be released that are thought to stimulate muscle growth.

It is important to note that blood flow restriction therapy and muscle hypertrophy can interact in several ways. For example, the size of the resistance bands applied, their exact placement, and the intensity of the pressure applied by these bands can all impact the exact nature of this restriction training and physical therapy. All of this gets back to a critical point: Blood flow restriction therapy isn’t something you should try on your own. Doing so risks having the exercise do more harm than good and potentially causing damage to your body. Instead, it is always preferable to work with an expert to ensure you properly engage in this therapy. 


Who Would Benefit from Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

In theory, anyone who is physically capable of managing it. Blood flow restriction therapy has limitations, but plenty of individuals can engage in this type of therapy without being weight-lifters. In fact, just the opposite is true: Properly calibrated blood flow restriction therapy can help a person who may otherwise be incapable of lifting weights see the benefit of repeated weight lifting. This is the case because blood flow restriction therapy allows an individual to make major muscle gains while only needing to lift a smaller amount of weight. Some view the unique restrictions placed on the body with blood flow restriction therapy as a “shortcut” to muscle hypertrophy and repair.

By reducing the amount of weight and resistance needed to make major, positive changes, blood flow restriction therapy becomes ideal for a person who has been injured or is looking to restore muscle strength. Alternatively, it may be perfect for someone who would otherwise be physically unable to engage in the robust series of exercises needed to make major muscle gains. Finally, it is also worth considering that some individuals are extremely pain sensitive and unable to manage significant levels of weight. In that case, blood flow restriction therapy would be ideal, as it can reduce the load (and thus the pain or subsequent soreness) that a person faces as part of their weight-lifting program. This can be particularly useful for a person who suffers from a wide range of illnesses that may increase their pain levels, like fibromyalgia.


How Can My Physical Therapist Help Me With Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

You should only seek out blood flow restriction therapy from a physical therapist who is properly trained. This individual should be certified by the governing bodies and understand the benefits of this therapeutic modality and how to ensure you engage in it in the safest manner possible.

A physical therapist with the proper training in blood flow restriction therapy will understand the following:

  • The specific mechanisms by which blood flow restriction therapy works.
  • A comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and blood flow.
  • How different levels of intensity and different types of bands can alter the impact of blood flow restriction therapy.
  • How to integrate blood flow restriction therapy with other therapeutic methods.
  • Maximizing the benefit of blood flow restriction therapy – and using it safely, particularly after an injury – requires expert and trained professionals. 


Is Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Popular Without An Injury?

Actually, yes.

Blood flow restriction therapy has become extremely popular among physical therapists who are looking to help patients achieve major rehabilitation and strength training gains without needing to endure rounds and rounds of heavy-duty weight lifting. However, many reports of weight lifters – and even Olympic athletes – have used blood flow restriction therapy as part of their strength training programs, even if they have not been injured. Indeed, this trend has been ongoing since the 1960s, although its popularity certainly appears to be accelerating.

If you think about it, there are many other forms of resistance exercises or restriction training that individuals already engage in, albeit in a lighter form. Examples include the popular use of resistance bands for strength training and flexibility purposes. Indeed, many weight-lifting exercises involve isolating certain muscles to target exercise to another muscle group. Therefore, it could be argued that this is a much less restrictive form of blood flow restriction therapy. 


Are There Any Health Reasons I Should Skip Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

No one should engage in any form of physical therapy if there is a risk that doing so will negatively impact that person’s health. At Boston Sports Medicine, our team of experts works with you and the rest of your medical team to ensure that you are healthy enough to undergo any form of physical therapy and can handle the rigors of the specific program we design.

Blood flow restriction therapy may sometimes invoke limited negative side effects, including increased blood pressure or otherwise altered cardiovascular impacts. If you have any concerns about the potential impacts of this therapy, you should speak with your doctor or physical therapist. If you believe the dangers are too great – or if our medical team comes to that conclusion – we will work with you to develop an alternative physical therapy regimen that will meet your needs without endangering your health. 


Is Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Useful For Reasons Other Than Physical Therapy?

It is critical to note that a key component of any physical therapy is a comprehensive exercise designed to suit a patient’s needs. It is rare that any patient will merely get one form of physical therapy training. At Boston Sports Medicine, we work with doctors, physical therapists, and our patients to ensure we develop a comprehensive physical therapy program that meets their specific needs.

Blood flow restriction therapy works best when a specific muscle has suffered damage and can be occluded physically. As such, other forms of physical therapy that may complement blood flow restriction therapy include:

Personal And Performance Training

Besides blood flow restriction therapy, customized personal training can be adapted to patients’ needs and help give them the specific health and balance rehabilitation services they require. At Boston Sports Medicine, we employ a variety of exercise specialists that can create a physical therapy program that meets your individual needs.


Joint Mobilization

If a joint or extremity becomes too tight, it cannot properly prepare for physical therapy. We can work with you to create specialized manual therapy treatments to build strength, loosen muscles, reduce inflammation, and restore flexibility. 


Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy lets our patients get the latest technology. We use a low-level laser to target a damaged section of a patient’s body, increasing the cellular activity of a damaged area and promoting healing. 


Progressive Resistance Exercise

In this exercise program, patients will experience gradually increasing exercises, allowing them to heal and lift as their body allows. A patient will work with a physical therapist to develop a program that meets their needs. 


Also Read: Physical Therapy for Scoliosis


Where Can I Get Blood Flow Restriction Therapy?

We’re deeply proud of our work in being one of Massachusetts’ leading providers of blood flow restriction therapy, and we can work with patients like you to ensure you are getting the training you need to get up and running again. We offer blood flow restriction therapy at three of our ten locations, including Brookline, Somerville, and Wilmington. We also provide dozens of other physical therapy services and can work with you to ensure that your blood flow restriction therapy fits your healthcare goals.

Want more information? Contact us today to learn how Boston Sports Medicine can work with you to give you the physical therapy you need.


Additional Benefits

Blood flow restriction therapy (BFR Therapy) offers benefits beyond physical therapy and rehabilitation. While its primary application is in those areas, it has shown potential for various other purposes.


Strength Training And Performance Enhancement

BFR Therapy has gained popularity among weightlifters and athletes looking to enhance their strength and performance. By combining BFR with resistance exercises, individuals can achieve significant muscle gains and improvements in strength, even without injury. The restricted blood flow during training sessions challenges the muscles to adapt and grow, leading to enhanced performance.


Muscle Atrophy Prevention

Muscle atrophy, or muscle loss, can occur due to prolonged immobilization, such as during bed rest or after surgery. BFR Therapy has shown promise in preventing muscle atrophy during these periods. By using lower loads and restricting blood flow, individuals can maintain muscle mass and strength while minimizing the detrimental effects of immobilization.


Aging And Osteoporosis

As we age, muscle mass and bone density naturally decline, increasing the risk of falls, fractures, and other age-related issues. BFR Therapy can be beneficial for older adults by promoting muscle hypertrophy, improving bone health, and enhancing functional performance. Studies have shown that BFR training can increase muscle strength and bone mineral density, reducing the risk of fractures and maintaining independence in daily activities.


Metabolic And Cardiovascular Health

Blood flow restriction training has demonstrated positive effects on metabolic health markers. It can improve insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, and vascular function. These benefits make it a potentially valuable tool in managing conditions like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases.



At Boston Sports Medicine, we offer blood flow restriction therapy (BFR Therapy) as a critical component of our rehabilitation services. BFR Therapy applies pressure to specific muscle groups or extremities, allowing patients to achieve enhanced muscle gains while lifting reduced loads. It is particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions.

Our state-of-the-art technology and expert physical therapists ensure that blood flow restriction therapy is tailored to your specific needs and rehabilitation goals. By promoting muscle hypertrophy, BFR Therapy stimulates muscle growth and enhances the overall impact of physical therapy. It can be a “shortcut” to muscle repair and strength for those who may otherwise be unable to engage in traditional weightlifting exercises.

It is important to seek blood flow restriction therapy from a certified physical therapist who understands the mechanisms and benefits of this therapy. Our team of experts is trained to calibrate the therapy based on individual requirements and integrate it with other therapeutic methods as needed.

While blood flow restriction therapy is commonly used in physical therapy, it has also gained popularity among weightlifters and athletes as a means of strength training. However, it should only be pursued under the guidance of professionals to ensure safety and avoid any potential negative side effects.

At Boston Sports Medicine, we work closely with patients and their medical teams to ensure they are healthy enough for blood flow restriction therapy or recommend alternative therapies if necessary. Our comprehensive approach to physical therapy incorporates various techniques, such as personal and performance training, joint mobilization, low-level laser therapy, and progressive resistance exercise, to provide a holistic and effective rehabilitation program.

If you are interested in blood flow restriction therapy or any other physical therapy services, contact us today. We are proud to be one of Massachusetts’ leading providers of blood flow restriction therapy and can help you achieve your healthcare goals.


Frequently Asked Questions:


1)  Is blood flow restriction therapy useful for reasons other than physical therapy?

Blood flow restriction therapy primarily focuses on physical therapy and rehabilitation. However, it has gained popularity among weightlifters and athletes as a means of strength training, even without injury. It can be seen as a complementary training method to enhance muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.


2)  Does blood flow restriction therapy cost more than other physical therapy?

The cost of blood flow restriction therapy may vary depending on the healthcare provider and the specific treatment plan. It is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider or physical therapist to determine the cost associated with blood flow restriction therapy.


3)  How will the above populations benefit from using bfr training opposed to traditional training or rehabilitation methods?

The populations mentioned above, such as individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, chronic conditions, and those who may have pain sensitivity, can benefit from blood flow restriction therapy. BFR training allows for muscle gains and rehabilitation with reduced loads, making it ideal for individuals who may be unable to engage in traditional high-intensity training methods. It provides a targeted and controlled approach to promote muscle hypertrophy and repair.

4)  What is the length and type of bfr therapy exercises?

The length and type of BFR therapy exercises can vary depending on individual needs and the specific treatment plan. It is typically performed under the guidance of a certified physical therapist who will design a personalized exercise program based on the patient’s condition, goals, and progression. The exercises may involve controlled repetitions with appropriate rest intervals.

Regarding the length and type of BFR therapy exercises, they are highly individualized and depend on various factors such as the patient’s condition, goals, and progress. A qualified physical therapist will design a customized program that gradually increases in intensity and duration over time.


5)  Does the cuff auto-regulate pressure during exercise?

Some modern BFR devices may have the capability to auto-regulate pressure during exercise. However, the specific features and functionalities of BFR cuffs can vary depending on the device used. It is recommended to consult with your physical therapist or healthcare provider regarding the specific cuff and its capabilities.

As for cuff pressure regulation, some BFR devices may feature automatic pressure regulation during exercise. These devices can adjust and maintain the desired pressure levels, ensuring safety and efficacy throughout the therapy session. However, it is important to consult with your physical therapist or healthcare provider to determine the specific features of the BFR equipment being used.


6)  Can blood flow restricted exercise cause muscle damage?

When performed correctly and under the guidance of a trained professional, blood flow-restricted exercise is generally considered safe and does not cause muscle damage. However, improper technique, excessive pressure, or inappropriate use of BFR equipment may increase the risk of potential muscle damage. It is crucial to work with a certified physical therapist who can ensure proper application and monitor the exercise to minimize any potential risks.


7)  Is blood flow restriction therapy popular without an injury?

While blood flow restriction therapy primarily focuses on rehabilitation and physical therapy, it has gained popularity among individuals engaged in strength training and fitness, even without injury. Weightlifters and athletes have utilized BFR therapy as a means to enhance muscle hypertrophy and strength gains. Its popularity has been increasing in recent years.


8)  How can my physical therapist help me with blood flow restriction therapy?

A certified physical therapist with training in blood flow restriction therapy can guide you throughout the treatment process. They will have a comprehensive understanding of the therapy’s mechanisms, appropriate pressure levels, exercise selection, and progression. They will design a personalized program based on your specific needs and goals, monitor your progress, and ensure the therapy is safely integrated into your overall rehabilitation plan.


9)  Are there any health reasons I should skip blood flow restriction therapy?

Blood flow restriction therapy may not be suitable for everyone, especially individuals with certain health conditions or contraindications. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider or physical therapist to assess whether blood flow restriction therapy is appropriate for your specific situation. They will consider factors such as cardiovascular health, blood pressure, and any potential risks that may arise from the therapy.


10)  What ages can benefit from blood flow restriction therapy?

Blood flow restriction therapy can benefit individuals of various ages, depending on their specific needs and health conditions. While it is commonly used in adult populations, it may also be applicable to older adults and even younger individuals, such as adolescents, who require rehabilitation or strength training. The appropriateness of blood flow restriction therapy for a specific age group would be determined on a case-by-case basis by a qualified healthcare provider or physical therapist.


Why Boston Sports Med?

At Boston Sports Medicine, we offer our clients top-quality care. Our physical therapists serve Boston, MA, and are experienced and fully credentialed. We are licensed to provide a wide variety of different services while we strive to be the very best physical therapist in Boston, MA.


Our Services

Some of the services that our physical therapists provide include:

  • Post-rehabilitation training programs
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • And much more!

Boston Sports Med stands out as the premier provider of sports therapy in Wilmington. With a dedicated team of highly qualified therapists and a commitment to staying at the forefront of the field, we offer a revolutionary approach to injury recovery.


Our Approach

Our holistic approach, combining physical and aquatic therapy, sets us apart from the competition and ensures a positive impact on pain reduction, quality of life, mental state, and sleep quality. We not only treat sports injuries but also offer preventive measures to help athletes avoid future injuries and excel in their respective fields. 


We Welcome Athletes of All Levels

Our goal-oriented, supportive environment provides the perfect setting for athletes of all levels to recover and develop their strength. At Boston Sports Med, we prioritize patient health and well-being, offering telehealth solutions and state-of-the-art facilities across seven locations. We take pride in our patient-centered approach, delivering rehabilitation and training while minimizing pain and discomfort. 

If you’re looking to reclaim your athlete status and get back in the game stronger than ever, choose Boston Sports Med—the number one choice for sports therapy in Boston. 

We’ll help you recover from your injury while experiencing the lowest possible level of pain or discomfort. We promise that you’ll leave our facilities fully recovered from a physical and an emotional point of view. Hiring our services is the fastest, most comfortable, and most fun way to get back in the game after an injury. 

Don’t let time go by; reclaim your athlete status today with our rehabilitation and injury-recovery services. We are the #1 Sports Therapy Boston, We Are Boston Sports Med. 


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Contact us today and experience the fastest, most comfortable, and most enjoyable path to recovery.